Fighting a Georgia Serious Injury By Vehicle Charge
How can I fight a serious injury by vehicle charge?
If you are involved in a car accident and someone is injured, you may face felony charges of serious injury by vehicle. This is a common charge especially when an accident involves pedestrians. Because it is a felony, it subjects you to extended jail time.
Defending this Charge
The best way to fight this is to have an experienced criminal lawyer argue that the person was not seriously injured. If an attorney can get on the case early enough, they can often get vital medical records that show the actual condition of the victim. If the victim suffered a broken leg but the medical records show that it subsequently healed and there was no total loss of function, then it can be a great defense to the charge. This evidence needs to be protected immediately for later use.
Don’t ever plea guilty to the crime of serious injury by vehicle without speaking to an attorney first. The consequences are too severe.
Contact The Turner Firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case.